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  • Großflächenkulturen

The Biostimulant for Healthy Potato Plants

Promotes better tuber formation, ensures uniform tubers, strengthens healthy, vigorous foliage, and guarantees higher and stable yield. Umfangreiche Versuche in verschiedenen Ländern haben die Wirksamkeit unseres Biostimulans bestätigt.


Anwendungszeitpunkte ● Empfohlene Behandlung ○ optionale Behandlung


● 1 to 9 basal shoots visible (BBCH 21-29)
● inflorescence emergence (BBCH 51-55)
○ 50% of tuber size (BBCH 75-79)

1 / Promotes tuber formation

Bioactive ingredients promote general root growth and the formation of finer roots, allowing more tuber initiation sites per plant. Elevated photosynthetic rates enable the production of more energy for plant growth and tuber development. Equal partitioning of nutrients into growing tubers allows the formation of more, bigger, and uniformly sized potatoes.

  • Promotion of tuber formation
  • Uniform tuber sizes
  • Up to 18% more marketable tubers

2 / Protects against stress

Especially in important developmental phases such as tuber initiation and formation, the plant is better protected against abiotic stress. Increased levels of osmoprotectants and antioxidants help the plant cope with drought stress conditions, reducing cell-damaging processes.

  • Protection against environmental stress
  • Higher yield & higher starch content

3 / Activates soil life

An active soil life promotes the formation of humus and the development of a fine-crumbly soil structure. This leads to better aeration of the root zone and prevents waterlogging, protecting the roots and tubers from rot. In addition, it facilitates the potato harvest.

  • Promotes the nutrient and water balance
  • Facilitates the potato harvest

4 / Strengthens leaf tissue

The mobilization of potassium and micronutrients from the soil promotes leaf firmness through thicker cell walls and increased cell turgor. As a result, the plant is less susceptible to diseases, and the harvested tubers have an increased storage capability.

  • Reduction of plant infections
  • Improved storage capability
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