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The Biostimulant for Leafy Vegetables

Boosts stress tolerance, supports healthier plants, and delivers top quality and higher yields. Extensive trials in various countries have proven the effectiveness of our biostimulant in lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower.


Anwendungszeitpunkte ● Empfohlene Behandlungoptionale Behandlung


○ soil treatment, before planting
● leaf development; approx. 14 days after planting (BBCH 14-19)
● 10-30% typical head size/leaf mass (BBCH 41-43)
○ 40-60% typical head size/leaf mass (BBCH 44-46)

1 / Increased yield

Improved photosynthesis and stronger root growth lead to enhanced nutrient and water supply to the plant. This combination provides the plant with more energy for efficient growth, ultimately resulting in higher yields.

  • Up to 10% higher yield
  • Healthier plant

2 / Higher stress tolerance

Especially during crucial developmental phases, leafy vegetables benefit from increased stress tolerance. Bioactive substances enable a faster stress response, supporting continuous growth and development of plant organs.

  • Protection against environmental stress
  • Boosts the immune system

3 / Nutritional value

A healthy soil ecosystem and the mobilization of micronutrients in the soil promote plant growth and lead to an increase of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in leafy vegetables.

  • Increased nutritional value
  • Better taste

4 / Improved storage capability


Stronger cell walls and a higher content of defense molecules make the harvested vegetables less susceptible to infections. Therefore, the products retain their shape and texture during storage for a longer period.

  • Strengthening of cell walls
  • More antioxidants
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