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  • Früchte und Nüsse

The Biostimulant for Pome and Stone Fruit

Enhances higher stress tolerance, ensures protection against cell damage, and promotes top quality and higher yield. Extensive trials in various countries have proven the effectiveness of our biostimulant in apple, apricot, cherry, peach, and plum.

Application times
 ● recommended treatment ○ optional treatment


● bud swelling to bud burst (BBCH 51-52)
● late inflorescence emergence (BBCH 54-56)
● fruit development (BBCH 71-75)
○ fruit ripening (BBCH 81-85)

1 / Increase in yield

The plants are healthier, with higher chlorophyll content and larger leaf areas. As a result, they can allocate more energy and nutrients towards a better and more uniform fruit development.

  • More uniform ripening
  • More regular fruit sizes
  • Up to 8% higher yield

2 / Stress tolerance

Heat, UV radiation, and frost can damage fruit tissue and blossoms. Strengthened plant cells and increased production of protective substances enable fruit trees to better withstand stress and ensure a secure harvest.

  • Protects against cell damage
  • Lowers the stress level 
  • Provides healthier and more nutrient-rich fruit

3 / Improved fruit quality

The biostimulant enables the plant to produce more sugars. These sugars serve as an essential energy source for plant growth and also enhance fruit quality.

  • Increased sugar content & Brix value
  • Higher marketable yield

4 / Improved nutrient uptake

An activated and diverse soil microbiome (bacteria and fungi) supports the optimal supply of nutrients and water. The uptake is further increased by a finer root system and the presence of chelating agents.

  • Better nutrient and water uptake
  • Improved root system
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