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The Biostimulant for Sugar Beet

Leads to higher sugar content, reduced stress reactions, and faster recovery after abiotic stress. Umfangreiche Versuche in verschiedenen Ländern haben die Wirksamkeit unseres Biostimulans bestätigt.


Anwendungszeitpunkte ● Empfohlene Behandlungoptionale Behandlung


● 2 to 8-leaf stage treatment (BBCH 12-18)
● 40% crop cover (BBCH 30-34)
○ complete crop cover (BBCH 36-39)

1 / Yield increase

A higher chlorophyll content and accelerated leaf rosette development in spring provide more energy for enhanced and uniform beet growth. This leads to a significantly higher yield.

  • Yield increased by up to 10%
  • More uniform sugar beets

2 / Stress tolerance


The induction of the plant's own immune system by signaling molecules and messengers strengthens defense mechanisms. This enables the plant to better withstand stress conditions like drought, heat, and salinity.

  • Increased tolerance to abiotic stress
  • Better storage capability

3 / Higher sugar content

Increased photosynthesis leads to higher sugar production by the plant. These sugars are crucial as osmoprotectants during frost and drought while also supporting overall plant growth.

  • Higher sugar content (up to 1.3 t/ha more sugar)
  • Full yield potential

4 / Improved soil conditions


Sugar beets have high demands on the supply of nutrients. In a healthy, lively, and well-aerated soil, the available nutrients are utilized more efficiently, and the adverse effects of flooding are minimized.

  • Improved soil fertility
  • Better nutrient uptake and water supply
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