The Biostimulant in Cereals
Enhances faster plant development, ensures an increase in productivity, and promotes higher protein content. Extensive trials in various countries have proven the effectiveness of our biostimulantin barley, wheat, rye, rice, and oat.
Anwendungszeitpunkte ● Empfohlene Behandlung ○ optionale Behandlung
● at tillering (BBCH 20-29)
○ at inflorescence emergence/heading (BBCH 51-59)
○ straw decomposition after harvesting (BBCH 99)

1 / Enhanced tillering and higher yield
Optimized physiological conditions lead to improved tillering and an accelerated growth phase, resulting in uniform stands and more ears per plant. Results from various countries show a significant yield increase in different cereals and climatic areas.
- Improved tillering
- Higher yields (up to 22%)
2 / Stress resilience
Improved growth conditions lead to increased plant vitality and enhanced nutrient uptake. This helps the plant mitigate abiotic stresses, e.g., elevated heat events hindering pollination efficiency.
- Increased nutrient uptake
- Improved stress resistance
3 / Increase in protein content
Protein content is an important quality trait of cereals. By ensuring a better energy supply, protein synthesis is stimulated. This allows the production of cereals with a significantly higher marketable value.
- Increased protein deposition in the grain
- Higher marketable value
4 / Improved soil structure
Stimulated humus formation and fine-structured soil improve nutrient and water uptake. This leads to higher drought tolerance. Increased microbial activity accelerates autumn straw decomposition.
- Optimization of soil structure
- Better nutrient and moisture supply