The Biostimulant in Maize Cultivation
Enhances faster plant development, ensures larger roots, and promotes better cob and grain filling. Umfangreiche Versuche in verschiedenen Ländern haben die Wirksamkeit unseres Biostimulans bestätigt.
Anwendungszeitpunkte ● Empfohlene Behandlung ○ optionale Behandlung
● soil treatment before seeding
● 4 to 8-leaf stage (BBCH 14-18)
○ post harvest application

2 / Increased stress tolerance
Plants develop more root and shoot mass, making them more resilient during environmental stress conditions like drought and heat. Regeneration speed is improved after mechanical damage, e.g., through hail or agricultural operations.
- Up to 22% more root mass
- Improves plant vigour
- Makes plants more resilient to extreme weather conditions
3 / Faster plant development
Improved nutrient utilisation allows a rapid plant development from germination to flowering. Especially the enhanced youth development is crucial for attaining a fast and uniform crop cover.
- Uniform crop cover
- improved youth development
4 / Improved soil structure
Stimulated humus formation and fine-structured soil improve nutrient and water uptake. This leads to higher drought tolerance. Increased microbial activity accelerates autumn straw decomposition.
- enables efficient water use
- leads to a sustainably healthier soil