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  • Großflächenkulturen

The Biostimulant in Soybean

Ensures an optimal start in spring, enhances protein content, and delivers top quality and higher yields. Umfangreiche Versuche in verschiedenen Ländern haben die Wirksamkeit unseres Biostimulans bestätigt.


Anwendungszeitpunkte Empfohlene Behandlungoptionale Behandlung


● 4-leaf stage - side shoot development (BBCH 14-21)
● Inflorescence emergence (BBCH 51-55)

1 / Increase in yield


A stronger root system and improved soil structure promote optimal growth. An active and diverse soil microbiome, enriched with N-fixing bacteria, ensures optimal nutrient supply and stimulates plant growth.

  • Up to 17% more beans per plant
  • Increase of up to 9% in thousand kernel weight (TKW)

2 / Higher stress tolerance

Bioactive compounds help the plant cope with abiotic stress events by increasing the level of osmoprotectants and antioxidants. Mechanical injuries (e.g., hail) heal faster, and especially chemical stress reactions (phytotoxic reactions) are effectively mitigated.

  • Protective ingredients help against stress events
  • Help to overcome phytotoxic effects

3 / Better crop quality

By activating the soil life, the nodule formation is enhanced, which improves the essential nitrogen supply of soybean plants. This forms the basis for sustained plant growth and delivers the energy necessary for an increased protein content in the crop.

  • Higher protein content
  • Better nitrogen supply

4 / Optimal start in spring

Early sowing is essential for a good cropping season. Low spring temperatures and humid weather cause stress for the plants and delay development. More protective substances, an active metabolism, and insensitivity to low temperatures help the plant develop better.

  • Protection against environmental stress
  • Faster youth development
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