The Biostimulant in Winter Oilseed Rape
Increases seeds per pod, ensures consistent oil content, and delivers higher and stable yields. Umfangreiche Versuche in verschiedenen Ländern haben die Wirksamkeit unseres Biostimulans bestätigt.
Anwendungszeitpunkte ● Empfohlene Behandlung ○ optionale Behandlung

1 / Yield and Oil content
The supply of the high nitrogen demand of oilseed rape can be improved by nitrogen-fixing bacteria that can establish more easily in the rhizosphere. This allows the plant to produce more seeds and store more oil in the seeds as an energy resource.
- Efficient nutrient uptake for strong growth
- Oil content increased by up to 12%
2 / Improved seasonal development
Depending on the autumn development and winter weather, the plant may be weakened in spring. Signaling molecules boost plant growth and metabolism. The plant recovers faster after a stress event and is also better protected against stress, such as late frosts.
- Protection against stress (late frosts, drought)
- Improved spring development
3 / Side shoot and pod formation
The mobilization of nutrients, e.g., potassium and phosphorus in the soil, accelerates plant development and side shoot formation, promotes early flowering and pod formation. Photosynthetically active pods deliver energy to the plant.
- Better nutrient supply boosts plant development
- More side shoots and pods
4 / Promotes soil life and root growth
An active soil is crucial for the development of fine and deep roots (up to 1.20m), allowing access to nutrients and water. Young humic acids and high microbial diversity promote this important trait.
- Increase in microbial diversity
- Improved root development