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© Hechenbichler GmbH
  • ANTISTRESS effect
  • LEAF effect

Reduce herbicide stress

Phytotoxic damage to crops from the use of herbicides is not uncommon. The subsequent crop and quality losses can be significant - and cause substantial economic damage to farmers. In this article, you will read,

  • why phytotoxic damage occurs repeatedly,
  • what effects phytotoxic substances can have on crops,
  • how you can effectively prevent herbicide damage with AMALGEROL ESSENCE, and
  • how you can secure your yield if phytotoxic damage is present.


Herbicides: phytotoxic damage is common

Crop protection products are usually very well adapted to the respective crop. Nevertheless, harmful damage to the cultivated plants occurs again and again, especially in connection with herbicide applications. This phytotoxic damage (phytotoxicity = plant toxicity / harmfulness to plants) has various causes. The risk of damage increases when


·       an inappropriate/ poorly adjusted product is used for a crop, 

·       the dosage recommendation is exceeded,

·       there is spray residue in the tank

·       unfavorable weather conditions occur during application, or

·       there is a drift of crop protection products due to technical or meteorological reasons.


How AMALGEROL ESSENCE secures your yields

AMALGEROL ESSENCE allows you to effectively reduce herbicide stress and avoid yield loss. What's special: The biostimulant can be used both to prevent herbicide damage and as a post-treatment.

"In practice, herbicide treatments often affect crops."

Dr. Jürgen Hacker, Head of Product Development & Registrations
© Hechenbichler GmbH

Possible consequences of phytotoxic damage

© Hechenbichler GmbH

The extent of damage to crops depends on the severity of the phytotoxicity. Ideally, only superficial phytotoxic damage (e.g. yellowing) occurs, which disappears within days and does not affect yield or quality.

If, on the other hand, the crop plants come into contact with substances that are highly toxic to them, permanent damage is unavoidable. Substantial losses in quality and/or harvest are often the result.

Preventing phytotoxic damage: Here's how

© Hechenbichler GmbH

Apply AMALGEROL Essence along with your herbicide application to reduce the risk of phytotoxic damage. Good to know: AMALGEROL ESSENCE mixes well and is compatible with most common herbicides. 

Nevertheless, undesirable interactions may occur when several products are used in a tank mix. It is therefore recommended to carry out mixing and compatibility tests in advance.

Regeneration: AMALGEROL ESSENCE in the field test

© Hechenbichler GmbH

If phytotoxic damage has already occurred, AMALGEROL ESSENCE can be used for post-treatment - and extremely effectively. A field trial conducted in 2020 on sunflowers damaged by herbicide application impressively demonstrated the regenerative effect of AMALGEROL ESSENCE.


Post-treatment was carried out 6 days after herbicide application. The dose of AMALGEROL ESSENCE was 2 l/ha

The development of the sunflowers compared to the control group (left) speaks for itself:

- clear recovery already after a few days

- almost no damage after 14 days

- very good development and clear development advantage after 3 weeks


The conclusion: The post-treatment with AMALGEROL ESSENCE supports phytotoxically damaged plants in their regeneration and thus secures your yields!

By the way:

AMALGEROL ESSENCE can also be highly effective in drought stress as well as frost protection for plants.

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Dear customers, we have created a separate website for the biostimulants product line AMALGEROL. Fertilizers, manure treatment and animal products you can still discover on Hechenbichler.com