AMALGEROL® biostimulants* are based on natural raw materials. They play an important role in successful and sustainable agriculture by protecting the plant in stress situations and promoting soil activation.
The term "biostimulants" used on our website describes the product category as defined by Hechenbichler GmbH, and does not refer to the official national, state or EU registration category of the products. Depending on each country, the registration category may differ. Please refer to the label or contact us or your responsible local or national authorities to determine the relevant registration status.
13th International AMALGEROL Conference 2024
The AMALGEROL family meet again in Vienna! Representatives from 20 countries come together to exchange their latest insights, research findings, and results from using AMALGEROL and AMALGEROL ESSENCE in both field trials and practical farming applications.
Around 70 distributors, technicians and scientists from over 20 countries exchanged their latest experiences and results with AMALGEROL and AMALGEROL ESSENCE in experimental trials and farm practice.
Dear customers, we have created a separate website for the biostimulants product line AMALGEROL. Fertilizers, manure treatment and animal products you can still discover on